The Medicine We Need is Right Below Our Feet

Every morning I try to spend 20-30 minutes in meditation. This morning was no different except I chose to do it outside. We are finally having cool mornings here in Arizona and I wanted to take advantage of it before having to be locked back up in the house before the freezing cold winter hit.

While I was in meditation, I heard that sitting outside was not by accident and that I was guided to do it by my galactic family and friends.  In meditation they had reminded me of the importance of grounding. But “I love grounding” I said to them and then they began to show me. In my mind’s eye, I was seeing a movie clip of the recent events that have been taking place in the last several years. The pandemic, racial discrimination, political riots, loss of jobs and relationships and much more. What really caught my attention was the sadness, depression, and anxiety that the collective was experiencing because of all the pandemonium that has taken place.

“Why are you showing me this?”

“Why are you showing me this?” I asked. Then they begin to tell me that many have forgotten why they choose to incarnate on to Earth and the beautiful opportunities that we have that so many others (galactic beings) do not. They spoke about our wonderous ability to experience and process emotions in ways that no other beings can. The magnificence of the nature that surrounds us every day and the precious wildlife that allows our life cycle to continue. They spoke of the brilliance and glory of both the sunrise and the sunset. The list went on and on.  

I asked again, “What does this have to do with grounding?” What they showed me next, surprised me. I saw many people trying to escape their own human containers through harmful substances, material goods, religion, and much more.  Many are spending so much time trying to find ways to not be connected to this Earth because all they are choosing to see is the destruction that is happening among humanity. When humanity spends all their days and nights floating in the clouds, they neglect Mother Earth whose frequencies are filled with unconditional love, support, joy, and gratitude. Mother Earth loves all of us and it was in that love that she agreed to having us inhabited her beautiful planet. When we disconnect from her, abandoned her, she begins to feel sorrow and lose purpose.

When we ground, we can create a stronger connection with the heavens.

When we ground and connect with the glory of Mother Earth, we too begin to see, feel, and experience her unconditional love and beauty. By spending time within her matrix, we can connect with the frequencies that will help us individually and as a collective remember the incredible reason why we are here- to have experiences. Each time we touch her heart, she provides us with an abundance of support. When we ground, we can create a stronger connection with the heavens.

Next time, when things may appear to bleak go outside and touch the heart and soul of Mother Earth. She is our true heavenly mother and wants more than anything for us to feel her and for her to feel us. Rub your feet on the grass, hug and talk to the tree across the street, take a long stroll in nature and listen to its sounds, or spend time in meditation talking to her. The more you do, the more connected you feel and the less homesick you will become. As above so it below.


The Forgotten One: Multidimensional Beings


We Were Never Meant to Be in a Box