Being Free to Choose Your Way

What does it mean to have free will? This term, often misconstrued, can be interpreted in various ways. Commonly, associated with the duality of right and wrong, it can create a sense of having to serve someone or something. This way of thinking can spark fear and make one feel coaxed into believing that if they do not choose “right”, then the Divine may not approve. Whether we partake in religion or modern spiritualism, we have freedom to create at will. We can choose to create our own lives and circumstances in a way that is true to our being.

Facing the Struggle

However, there is a caveat to truly being free. We must first acknowledge our internal struggles. There are many events that we have experienced throughout our lifetimes. Each one imprinted onto our soul creating repetitive patterns that stay with us. What we choose to do has an impact on our life and the lives of those around us. Our patterns will continue to repeat until we heal them.

Healing takes place when we confront the mysterious abyss that lies deep within our psyche. This can be a terrifying place enter when we are forced to see the accumulation of our repressed emotions and beliefs. Living our current lives through past impressions creates patterns that repeat time and time again. We oftentimes, do not recognize that we are trapped by them. Thus, continuously creating a future where we attract the same life events, situations, and circumstances. Nonetheless, it is possible to remove these patterns and impressions.

Step Aside Ego

Besides a lifetime of experiences getting in the way, the ego has a strong need to control our emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and memories.  Therefore, this hunger for control shows us that the ego does not have free will. Constantly desiring attention, it tells stories of sabotage that we believe about ourselves or others. It is blinded in that it does not see the world for what it is, which stymies its ability to contribute to mankind. The ego’s agenda is contradictory of our soul. It can be manipulative causing judgment, fear, and confusion. The uncertainty it provokes creates a distorted picture of separateness. Crafting an illusory veil that prevents us from having a relationship with the universe.

Listening to Our Soul’s Voice

Our souls know that there is something better. It has already experienced the freedom that comes with enlightenment. Spiritual awakening occurs when we freely choose to move past the confines of our egos and away from the deceptiveness that it precipitates. The soul is not bound or controlled by the ego.  As we awaken, we begin to have a newfound consciousness of the world around us. We can look beyond what are eyes perceive and believe in the power of the universe. Showing us that true happiness is not found externally but internally. It leads us towards understanding our existence and illuminating us with the truth.

Flipping the Coin

Our ego and soul are like a coin. On one side we have the ego and the other our soul. They cannot divorce one another because they are part of who we are. However, when our soul awakens, we can identify the difference between the presence of ego and the presence of spirit. When spirit is present our lives become more meaningful. We experience equanimity and oneness with all.

The universe wants us to freely choose to create. Free Will gives us the ability to make those decisions without encumbrance. We are all striving for fulfillment, happiness, and freedom. Free Will is the wisdom of the soul and elucidates knowledge. Not only does it set us free but shows us that we are undeniably free.


The Law of Detachment: Manifesting Our Desires


Oh My, Ego!